Information of Market Pay Compensation Building Market Competitive Compensation Systems Newest and other market pay compensation

Market Pay Compensation Building Market Competitive Compensation Systems Newest market pay compensation MARKET COMPETITIVE PAY SYSTEMS THE BASIC BUILDING BLOCKS Market competitive pay systemsrepresent companies compensation policies that fit the imperatives of competitive advantage Market competitive pay systems play a significant role in attracting and retaining the most qualified employees market pay compensation Building Market Competitive Compensation Systems MARKET COMPETITIVE PAY SYSTEMS THE BASIC BUILDING BLOCKS Market competitive pay systemsrepresent companies compensation policies that fit the imperatives of competitive advantage Market competitive pay systems play a significant role in attracting and retaining the most qualified employees Creating a Market Based Compensation Structure Market Based Compensation Structure Introduction Steps 1 Gather Background Information 2 Selecting data from relevant market 3 Conducting market data analysis 4 Developing the pay structures 5 Calculating the costs of pay structures 6 Implementation and evaluation Gather Background Information Selecting and Preparing Data Conducting COMPENSATION BENEFITS REPORT 2002 according to market III TOTAL COMPENSATION Total compensation measures an employee s base salary benefits and other perquisites that the employer provides When comparing compensation with that of other employers whether public or private the focus is on total compensation rather than base pay This report includes comparisons of base COMPENSATION pay compensation which may be reported as an hourly wage weekly semi monthly monthly or annual salary It does not include shift differentials temporary pay benefits overtime incentive premiums bonuses commissions or other similar non base pay compensation
