Information of International Journal Indexing Scopus Jurnal Internasional Terindex DOAJ SCOPUS THOMSON Greats and other international journal indexing scopus scopus source scopus logo law journal scopus scopus journal list scopus international journal

International Journal Indexing Scopus Jurnal Internasional Terindex DOAJ SCOPUS THOMSON Greats international journal indexing scopus Lokakarya Penulisan Artikel dan Akses Jurnal Internasional yang Terindeks Scopus Thomson DOAJ bagi Pimpinan dan Dosen PPs UNJ Hari Tanggal Senin Mei Ruang Sidang Gedung Perpustakaan Lantai UNJ This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution International License international journal indexing scopus List of Malaysian Journal Indexed by Scopus Web of List of Malaysian Journal Indexed by Scopus Web of Science and ERA No Source Title Print ISSN E ISSN Publisher s Name Scopus Web of Science WOS ESCI Web of Science ERA IF INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES UNIVERSITI UTARA MALAYSIA INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL AND Agrivita Journal Indexed in Scopus Berita UB Agrivita Journal indexed in Scopus After getting indexed in Google Scholar DOAJ and Proquest now Agrivita International Journal is indexed by Scopus Scopus is the biggest database service that indexes journals and articles that has passed peer review process Jurnal Internasional Terindex DOAJ SCOPUS THOMSON Lokakarya Penulisan Artikel dan Akses Jurnal Internasional yang Terindeks Scopus Thomson DOAJ bagi Pimpinan dan Dosen PPs UNJ Hari Tanggal Senin Mei Ruang Sidang Gedung Perpustakaan Lantai UNJ This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution International License Scopus Elsevier With titles from more than international publishers Scopus delivers the most comprehensive view of the world s research output in the fields of science technology medicine social science and Benefit from indexing with Universal Discovery services EBSCOHost researchers and journal editors from all scientific
