Top Journal Ranking Development Studies International Journal Of Economics And Finance Scimago
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Top Journal Ranking Development Studies International Journal Of Economics And Finance Scimago international journal of economics and finance scimago included in the SCIE and N indicates that the journal is not included in the SSCI or SCIE ISSN International Standard Serial Number SJR SCImago Journal Rank It is a measure of journal s impact influence or prestige It expresses the average number of weighted citations received in the selected international journal of economics and finance scimago Journal Ranking Development Studies included in the SCIE and N indicates that the journal is not included in the SSCI or SCIE ISSN International Standard Serial Number SJR SCImago Journal Rank It is a measure of journal s impact influence or prestige It expresses the average number of weighted citations received in the selected Journal Titles SJR Publisher s Country Field Impact Journal Titles SJR Impact Factor Publisher s Country Field Journal of International Economics Netherlands Social Sciences okings Papers on Economic Activity United States Social Sciences Review of Finance United Kingdom Social Sciences Malaysian journals indexed in Scopus listed in SCImago Malaysian journals indexed in Scopus listed in SCImago Journal Country Rank SJR L Language Linguistics Literature Economics Econometrics and Finance miscellaneous International Journal of Economics and Management X Universiti Putra Malaysia Entrepreneurship Journals A Comparative Empirical