Oil Industry And Climate Change Palm Oil And Global Warming Most Wanted and other oil industry and climate change

Oil Industry And Climate Change Palm Oil And Global Warming Most Wanted oil industry and climate change OIL AND GAS CLIMATE INITIATIVE 7 Catalyst for change Collaborating to realize the energy transition I n just three years the O GCI has become a driving force in our industry deliver ing practical action in response to the growing challenge of climate change Energized by the global commitment embodied in the Paris Agreement on cli oil industry and climate change Business Ethical Dilemmas The oil industry and climate change Natural Gas as a Climate Change Solution Breaking Down the Barriers to Methane s Expanding Role Natural gas is a relatively low carbon clean burning fuel Displacing the use of coal or oil with natural gas can reduce carbon dioxide CO 2 emissions and can play an important role in a greenhouse gas GHG mitigation strategy However Strategic Responses to Global Climate Change Conflicting The oil and gas sector is particularly vulnerable to the impacts of inevitable climate change It is an industry with large fixed assets and long asset life times requiring significant capital investment with high operational costs CATALYST FOR CHANGE Oil and Gas Climate Initiative BSR Adapting to Climate Change A Guide for the Energy and Utility Industry 1 This primer on climate change adaptation in the energy and utility E U industry 1 Summarizes how E U companies are reporting on climate change risks and opportunities Highlights current and emerging best practices and guidance for E U Natural Gas as a Climate Change Solution an IPIECA Workshop Vision 2040 Global scenarios for the oil and gas industry 7 Trends Four trends were identified as determinant for the oil and gas industry when the years that separate us from 2040 are analyzed increased energy demand due to social and demographic factors increased energy efficiency increased cost of oil extraction and oil and climate change, oil companies and climate change, oil and gas climate change, big oil companies climate change, oil drilling and climate change, big oil climate change, industry and climate change, oil companies and global warming, oil and climate change, oil companies and climate change, oil and gas climate change, big oil companies climate change, oil drilling and climate change, big oil climate change, industry and climate change, oil companies and global warming,

source :www.ucsusa.org